Thursday, July 15, 2010

Prayer Needed!

I just came back from my 23week doctor visit. The good news is my baby girl is growing, but bad news is her head is still too small. Dr Jacoby said she has increased from 3 percentile to 5 percentile, but it is still on the small side. He told me to see a high risk specialist, Dr Albert, next time for another ultrasound as the expert's measurement may be different. That makes me worry about my baby's health.

Keep my finger cross that the technician didn't get a good job in measuring my baby head (sorry, lady!). Otherwise, it will come down to a 50/50 chance for either genetic issue (=normal, I guess) or disability. Oh God! I will be a good girl, a good mother. Please keep my baby girl healthy. That's all I have been asking for ....and still the only thing I ask for my baby. You know that's true. I just need my baby to be healthy, not beautiful nor smart. Please God! Please!

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