2010春, 查經組讀的是舊約出埃及記. 不知道為什麼我老是停在15章時27節"他們到了以琳, 在那裡有十二股水泉, 七十棵棕樹; 他們就在那裡的水邊安營." 心裡覺得神真好, 記得我們的需要. 當時也被"以琳" 這個名字吸引住. 那時, 我們剛剛嘗試懷孕, 希望神會給予. 第一個孩子, 我們當然希望是個男的. 但心想, "以琳"是女孩的名字, 不好吧!
當我知道懷孕後, 我試著忘記這事因為想要個男孩. 加上, 寶寶喜歡踢, 心裡猜應該是個男, 所以我們叫BB做小虎而不是豆豆. 小虎聽起來比豆豆較男子氣吧! 猜不到, 最後還是一個女孩. 事際上, 男孩還是女孩對我來說並不重要, 男孩女孩我都愛, 只是會減輕我為他家生男的負擔而以. 算一算, 其實在那個時候, 我已經懷孕啦! 真奇!
感謝神給我們一個BB女. 她會被起名為以琳/Elim嗎?
蝦子餅話英文Christian name 可以用Elim, 但中文名應該有中文意義. 那我就拭目以待, 看他能想出怎麼的名字吧! HA!HA!HA!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Prayer Needed!
I just came back from my 23week doctor visit. The good news is my baby girl is growing, but bad news is her head is still too small. Dr Jacoby said she has increased from 3 percentile to 5 percentile, but it is still on the small side. He told me to see a high risk specialist, Dr Albert, next time for another ultrasound as the expert's measurement may be different. That makes me worry about my baby's health.
Keep my finger cross that the technician didn't get a good job in measuring my baby head (sorry, lady!). Otherwise, it will come down to a 50/50 chance for either genetic issue (=normal, I guess) or disability. Oh God! I will be a good girl, a good mother. Please keep my baby girl healthy. That's all I have been asking for ....and still the only thing I ask for my baby. You know that's true. I just need my baby to be healthy, not beautiful nor smart. Please God! Please!
Keep my finger cross that the technician didn't get a good job in measuring my baby head (sorry, lady!). Otherwise, it will come down to a 50/50 chance for either genetic issue (=normal, I guess) or disability. Oh God! I will be a good girl, a good mother. Please keep my baby girl healthy. That's all I have been asking for ....and still the only thing I ask for my baby. You know that's true. I just need my baby to be healthy, not beautiful nor smart. Please God! Please!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
日式| 親子丼 Oyakodon - Japanese Chicken and Egg over Rice
[2010/7/13] 當我不想煮飯,我會煮親子丼(4人份). 1人份比例, 味霖/糖/醬油: 0.5/0.5/1.
材料: 雞肉1.5lb、蛋6隻、洋蔥半個
調味料: 鹽、胡椒粉、味霖2Tbsp、糖2Tbsp、醬油4Tbsp、柴魚粉1Tsp
1) 雞肉加鹽, 胡椒粉醃10分鐘. 洋蔥切絲. 雞蛋打散.
2) 鍋中加柴魚粉, 1杯水, 味霖, 糖, 醬油, 煮熱.
3) 加洋蔥煮3分鐘,下雞肉, 煮止湯汁收乾到一半.
4) 倒入一半蛋液,蓋上蓋子,蛋煮止八成熟.
5) 倒入其餘蛋液,關火,悶煮1-2分鐘即可.
6) 趁熱淋在熱飯上
材料: 雞肉1.5lb、蛋6隻、洋蔥半個
調味料: 鹽、胡椒粉、味霖2Tbsp、糖2Tbsp、醬油4Tbsp、柴魚粉1Tsp
1) 雞肉加鹽, 胡椒粉醃10分鐘. 洋蔥切絲. 雞蛋打散.
2) 鍋中加柴魚粉, 1杯水, 味霖, 糖, 醬油, 煮熱.
3) 加洋蔥煮3分鐘,下雞肉, 煮止湯汁收乾到一半.
4) 倒入一半蛋液,蓋上蓋子,蛋煮止八成熟.
5) 倒入其餘蛋液,關火,悶煮1-2分鐘即可.
6) 趁熱淋在熱飯上
中|湯: 南瓜玉米紅蘿蔔瘦肉湯
[2010/7/14] 我喜歡用日本南瓜. 南瓜皮好有益, 千萬不要去皮煮. 洗净皮就ok.
1) 日本南瓜洗净去瓜蒂, 切小件.; 紅蘿蔔, 玉米略洗, 切小件.
2) 小鍋下水及薑片, 將瘦肉飛水.
3) 下水入大鍋, 水滾後下所有材料煮1.5小時.
4) 加鹽調味, 即成.
1) 日本南瓜洗净去瓜蒂, 切小件.; 紅蘿蔔, 玉米略洗, 切小件.
2) 小鍋下水及薑片, 將瘦肉飛水.
3) 下水入大鍋, 水滾後下所有材料煮1.5小時.
4) 加鹽調味, 即成.
中式|餐: 午餐肉煎蛋 Fried Egg with Lunch Meat
[2010/7/14] 午餐肉煎蛋, 香口容易做. 大人孩子都愛吃.
材料: 午餐肉2片、蛋3
調味料: 鹽、胡椒粉
1. 午餐肉切成小粒. 打蛋,下鹽、胡椒粉.
2. 用多油起鑊,煎香午餐肉粒.盛起加入雞液中.
3. 起油鑊,下雞液煎香,即可.
材料: 午餐肉2片、蛋3
調味料: 鹽、胡椒粉
1. 午餐肉切成小粒. 打蛋,下鹽、胡椒粉.
2. 用多油起鑊,煎香午餐肉粒.盛起加入雞液中.
3. 起油鑊,下雞液煎香,即可.
中式|餐: 炒波菜 Stir-Fried Spianch
[2010/7/14] 炒波菜很容易. 一定好吃. 波菜出水後會變小, 記住買多D波菜啦!
材料: 波菜、蒜片、蔥片
調味料: 鹽
1. 波菜洗淨. 切去尾部.
2. 起油鑊, 爆香薑蒜片, 下鹽, 加入波菜拌炒, 即可.
材料: 波菜、蒜片、蔥片
調味料: 鹽
1. 波菜洗淨. 切去尾部.
2. 起油鑊, 爆香薑蒜片, 下鹽, 加入波菜拌炒, 即可.
中式|餐: 甜豆炒蝦仁 Stir-Fried Shrimps with Honey Beans
[2010/7/14] 今晚好菜有甜豆炒蝦仁, 炒波菜, 煎黑椒牛柳粒, 午餐肉煎蛋, 南瓜玉米紅蘿蔔瘦肉湯. 甜豆炒蝦仁, 清清地,好好味. 記住甜豆一定要去兩邊絲, 否則一口豆根.
材料: 蝦仁0.5lb、甜豆、蒜片、蔥片
調味料: 鹽、胡椒粉、魚露、麻油、米酒
1. 蝦仁用生粉搽勻後用清水洗淨. 抹乾後, 用鹽,胡椒粉醃10分鐘.
2. 甜豆去絲, 飛水, 不要熟過頭, 否則回鑊炒會時變得過腍, 盛起備用.
3. 起油鑊, 爆香薑蒜片, 加入蝦仁煮至八成熟, 下米酒. 略炒至後水幹後, 加甜豆拌炒, 最後以魚露,麻油調味, 即可.
材料: 蝦仁0.5lb、甜豆、蒜片、蔥片
調味料: 鹽、胡椒粉、魚露、麻油、米酒
1. 蝦仁用生粉搽勻後用清水洗淨. 抹乾後, 用鹽,胡椒粉醃10分鐘.
2. 甜豆去絲, 飛水, 不要熟過頭, 否則回鑊炒會時變得過腍, 盛起備用.
3. 起油鑊, 爆香薑蒜片, 加入蝦仁煮至八成熟, 下米酒. 略炒至後水幹後, 加甜豆拌炒, 最後以魚露,麻油調味, 即可.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
中式|餐: 蕃茄蛋 Tomato with Egg
[2010/6/17] 蕃茄蛋, 完美組合, 多汁好下飯, 正! 烹蕃茄蛋的秘訣是下茄汁提味.
材料: 蛋4個、蕃茄6個、蒜片、薑片
調味料: 茄汁、糖、鹽、胡椒粉
1) 洗淨蕃茄, 切小件; 打蛋, 加鹽和胡椒粉
2) 油起鑊,煎蛋. 煎熟撿起, 接著煎熟撿起, 讓蛋不會煮老. 所有蛋汁煮熟後. 讓蛋煎香到略略金黃色.
3) 炒香薑片蒜片,加入蕃茄, 茄汁, 糖和水. 烹到蕃茄出水後, 加豆粉水, 炒勻上碟,便可.
材料: 蛋4個、蕃茄6個、蒜片、薑片
調味料: 茄汁、糖、鹽、胡椒粉
1) 洗淨蕃茄, 切小件; 打蛋, 加鹽和胡椒粉
2) 油起鑊,煎蛋. 煎熟撿起, 接著煎熟撿起, 讓蛋不會煮老. 所有蛋汁煮熟後. 讓蛋煎香到略略金黃色.
3) 炒香薑片蒜片,加入蕃茄, 茄汁, 糖和水. 烹到蕃茄出水後, 加豆粉水, 炒勻上碟,便可.
中式|餐: 餃子Dumplings
[2010/7/6] 夏天不想做飯時, 我會包餃子. 包餃子可以用各種各樣的蔬菜.
材料: 餃子皮1包、肉末1.5lb、菜
調味料: 豉油、胡椒粉醬、糖、油、水
醬汁: 豉油、蒜蓉、辣椒醬、麻油、醋
1) 菜洗淨, 切小條,下很多鹽. 等20分鐘, 菜出水後, 榨出水止非常乾
2) 肉末下調味料醃20分鐘.
3) 將肉末和菜攪拌10分鐘, 直到充分拌混合, 用餃子皮包好.
4) 水煮熱後, 加入餃子, 加上蓋煮到浮起.
5) 醬汁, 我喜歡用豉油, 蒜蓉, 辣椒醬, 麻油, 醋.
- 包餃子最簡單的方法是, 把肉放在中間,餃子皮折疊起一個三角形來, 四角加水. Chinese ravioli.
中式|餐: 豆豆炒肉末 Stir-Fried Green Bean & Grounded Pork in Chili BB sauce
[2010/7/13] 豆豆炒肉末, 快手, 美味!
材料: 豆豆、肉末、蒜蓉、薑蓉
調味料: 豉油、豆豉醬、胡椒粉醬、辣椒豉油、蠔油
1) 豆豆洗淨, 切小條; 肉末下胡椒粉及醬油醃10分鐘.
2) 油起鑊, 下蒜蓉,薑蓉及豆豉醬炒香, 加肉末.
3) 肉末炒至七成熟, 加豆豆, 加上蓋子用小火. 略煮後, 加水, 辣椒豉油及蠔油炒勻. 略至豆軟身, 下豆粉水炒勻, 便可上碟.
材料: 豆豆、肉末、蒜蓉、薑蓉
調味料: 豉油、豆豉醬、胡椒粉醬、辣椒豉油、蠔油
1) 豆豆洗淨, 切小條; 肉末下胡椒粉及醬油醃10分鐘.
2) 油起鑊, 下蒜蓉,薑蓉及豆豉醬炒香, 加肉末.
3) 肉末炒至七成熟, 加豆豆, 加上蓋子用小火. 略煮後, 加水, 辣椒豉油及蠔油炒勻. 略至豆軟身, 下豆粉水炒勻, 便可上碟.
My Wish List
Next time when I go back to HK, I should buy these gears.
- 雞蛋仔模 (http://www.chanchikee.com/wanchai.htm OR ILOVECAKE)
- 格仔餅模
- Takoyaki 燒八爪魚章魚小丸子模機
- 紙包蛋糕焗模
Nursing Tank Top - Target Store Clearence $5
Yesterday when I shopped in Target, I accidently found some nursing tank top on sales. It originally priced at $15, but now it marked down to $4.85 in the Frisco Target Store (near Hwy121). Other Target stores in Plano(Parker Rd), Allen(Stacy Rd), Mckinney(Custer Rd) have these tank tops marked down to $8.45. Hurry up to grap some from the Frisco store before they all gone. I got four in different color - pink, black, brown, blue in medium size. A small size is a little bite tight on me now. I bet it will not good for breast feeding swollen breast.
Diapers, Wipes, Nursing Pads - Use Amazon Subscribe & Save!
Amazon is having some good deals on diapers, wipes and nursing pads. It's 30% off listed price and extra 15% when you sign up their Subscribe & Save service. Don't worry, you could cancel it once the initial purchase has arrived (fast two days delivery). If you are not sure whether the diapers are suitable for your baby, sign up for the every six-month service and decide it later. One of my friends told me that only Huggies fits on her son and Pampers for her daughter. Well, may be just buy the wipes and nursing pads.
Anyway, I got the Huggies Newborn($0.18@), Pampers Sensitive Stage 1($0.16@), Pampers Sensitive Stage 2($0.19@), Pampers Sensitive Wipes($0.028@), and Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads($0.1@). Since the price is so slow, I could resell it on craiglist or give it to my friends as baby shower gift if it doesn't work on my baby.
Btw, you could use the one-time only Amazon Diaper Coupon Code in your August Parents magazine on top of this current offer. Awesome deal!
Anyway, I got the Huggies Newborn($0.18@), Pampers Sensitive Stage 1($0.16@), Pampers Sensitive Stage 2($0.19@), Pampers Sensitive Wipes($0.028@), and Lansinoh Disposable Nursing Pads($0.1@). Since the price is so slow, I could resell it on craiglist or give it to my friends as baby shower gift if it doesn't work on my baby.
Btw, you could use the one-time only Amazon Diaper Coupon Code in your August Parents magazine on top of this current offer. Awesome deal!
孕婦保健 Pregnancy Care
Having a baby is the best time to ask your hubby to serve you. I love massage and having him to massage my stinky feet and ballon belly does help me to relax.
Here's some useful information I found on the web.
Here's some useful information I found on the web.
- 乳房按摩 Bust Massage Good for sore breast in the first trimester, I wish I learn this earlier.
- 乳頭按摩 Nipple Massage Haven't tried it yet, but it is good to preparie yourself for breast feeding after the seventh month.
- 足部按摩 Foot Massage Love this, it's very good for tired and swollen feet in the second trimester
- 肚皮按摩 Belly Massage It tells you how to butter your belly to avoid pregnancy marks. I am using Mother Love Belly Salve (gift from DigDigPoPo) and Palmer's Massage Lotion. Palmer's is quite heavy, whereas MotherLove is a lighter and organic choice for summer season.
- 懷孕食譜 Gives you some guidlines on what to consume. The chart is very helpful.
- What to eat during pregnancy I by Angel Tong. Some good advice for second and thrid pergnancy.
- What to eat during pregnancy II by Angel Tong. Mostly are advice on early childhood.
- 妊娠保健 - Prenatal: General Care, by Dr Ho. Love his advice.
- 妊娠孕吐 - Prenatal: Vomit, by Dr Ho
- 妊娠背痛 -Prenatal: Back Pain, by Dr Ho
- 妊娠便秘 - Prenatal: Constipation, by Dr Ho
- 妊娠胎動不安 - Prenatal: Pain Caused by Hyperactive Baby, by Dr Ho
- 妊娠水腫 - Prenatal: Water Retention, by Dr Ho
- 坐月飲食- 法國廊酒Benedictine D.O.M.
- 產後腰痛 - Afterbirth: Back Pain, by Dr Ho
- 產後頭痛 - Afterbirth: Headache, by Dr Ho
- 產後血虛 - Afterbith: Low in Blood Sugar, by Dr Ho
- 產後惡露不下 - Afterbirth: Unable to release the birth fluid, by Dr Ho
- 產後惡露不絕 - Afterbirth: Unstopped fluid, by Dr Ho
- 產後自汗,盜汗 - Afterbirth: Sweating at day/night, by Dr Ho
- 產後尿頻與失禁 - Afterbirth: Bladder Control Issue, by Dr Ho
- Bravdo: How To Breast Feed - Their nursing bars are comfortable. Check it out!
- Stanford School of Medicine: Breastfeeding - Many informative advice and HowTo viedo
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
韓式|餐: 香辣牛肉金菇豆腐鍋 Korean Style Beef and Tofu Stew
[2010/7/5] 今日很疲倦, 所以煮易做美味的韓式香辣牛肉金菇豆腐鍋.
材料: 牛肉、金菇、豆腐、薑片
調味料: 豉油、糖、麻油、胡椒粉、韓式辣醬、魚粉、味林
1) 洗淨牛肉, 用豉油, 糖, 麻油, 胡椒粉調味.
2) 洗淨金菇, 切尾; 豆腐切大塊.
3) 熱鑊後加油, 爆香薑片, 放牛肉. 待八成熟後, 加金菇略煮. 金菇會出水, 要加豆粉水調厚.
4) 沙鍋加熱, 放入韓式辣醬, 魚粉,味林及少少水, 煮熱後加豆腐.
5) 豆腐煮熱後, 加牛肉, 金菇及汁入沙鍋內. 略煮即可.
材料: 牛肉、金菇、豆腐、薑片
調味料: 豉油、糖、麻油、胡椒粉、韓式辣醬、魚粉、味林
1) 洗淨牛肉, 用豉油, 糖, 麻油, 胡椒粉調味.
2) 洗淨金菇, 切尾; 豆腐切大塊.
3) 熱鑊後加油, 爆香薑片, 放牛肉. 待八成熟後, 加金菇略煮. 金菇會出水, 要加豆粉水調厚.
4) 沙鍋加熱, 放入韓式辣醬, 魚粉,味林及少少水, 煮熱後加豆腐.
5) 豆腐煮熱後, 加牛肉, 金菇及汁入沙鍋內. 略煮即可.
Kitchen Tools Review: Vita-Mix Blender
Before we bought the Vitamix Blender from Costco, we tried the Breville Juicer and the Jack Lalanne Juicer. The Jack Lalanne Juicer is awful, hard to clean and the juice has a lot of pulp. The Breville is a better juicer. The juice came free of fiber and the fiber left behind is quite dry, so you got all the juice out of the vegetables and fruits.
Then, we have the Vitamix. We missed the fresh tasting Breville juice, but it's a whole different concept of having whole food. Everyone knows fiber is good for our bodies. When we couldn't chew down tons of vegetables, having a very powerful machine to break it down is the next best way to consume enough vegetables and fruits for our body needs.
It's a pricey machine, but it could make juice, ice-cream, soup, smoothie, and baby food. It's not that good looking, but is very powerful. We prefer the Vitamix than the BlendTec, because we could control the power of the machine = texture of the finished product. Sure, there's a learning curve to get use to its power but we are not limited by a set of pre-defended settings(like BlendTec). It's especially helpful for making almond paste and baby food.
Here's tell us the difference between buying off counter baby food and home-made baby food.
Then, we have the Vitamix. We missed the fresh tasting Breville juice, but it's a whole different concept of having whole food. Everyone knows fiber is good for our bodies. When we couldn't chew down tons of vegetables, having a very powerful machine to break it down is the next best way to consume enough vegetables and fruits for our body needs.
It's a pricey machine, but it could make juice, ice-cream, soup, smoothie, and baby food. It's not that good looking, but is very powerful. We prefer the Vitamix than the BlendTec, because we could control the power of the machine = texture of the finished product. Sure, there's a learning curve to get use to its power but we are not limited by a set of pre-defended settings(like BlendTec). It's especially helpful for making almond paste and baby food.
Here's tell us the difference between buying off counter baby food and home-made baby food.
Here's the Vita-Mix function and whole food concept in Chinese.
http://www.vitamix.com/household/International/hhindex.aspAnd, some Vita-Mix Chinese Recipes.
I know it's quite a hassle to take it out and put it back to the cabinet, but it's super easy to clean. It's bulky and heavy, but I will use it everyday once we remodeled out kitchen.
Monday, July 5, 2010
記得當我還是中學生時, 我想出一本書. 一本收集小孩/青少年就"什麼應該或不應該對他們將來的孩子做"的書. 這是因為我們成長後, 會忘記我們想如何被對待或不被對待. 我們好有可能犯同樣的錯誤, 所以以下是對我自己的提醒.
1) 要做一個讓孩子覺得可信賴/可告密的媽媽. 如果孩子愛你, 當他們受傷或有困難時會來找你; 不然, 他們會隱藏自己的問題和感受.
2) 不要讓孩子覺得被拒絕. 被拒絕= 不被愛. 即使在幼年時或在小事上也不能, 他們會記得的. 有被愛的感覺, 孩子會全心愛你; 無被愛的感覺, 孩子會尊重/照顧你, 但不會與你有很親密的關係. 這是有區別的.
3) 專注孩子的感受, 不是你的感受. 他們是孩子, 而你是媽媽. 他們年少, 你年老有智慧. 你的位置是'給'不是'得'. 讓孩子'得', 他們從你身上就會學習/知道如何'給'.
4) 不要要求孩子做你喜歡的事, 讓他們做自己喜歡的事. 讓他們隨心行自己(神允許/計劃)成長的方式. 搜尋孩子的才華, 悄悄地鼓勵他們但不要硬銷/強迫他們.
5) 孩子是Rebels, 他們也是Copycats. 你怎樣做, 他們也怎樣做. 如果你想他們跟你不同, 你首先要改變自己的行為. 不要你自己去東, 但告訴他們去西. 你不做, 他們也不會做. 身教比言教重要!
6) ...
1) 要做一個讓孩子覺得可信賴/可告密的媽媽. 如果孩子愛你, 當他們受傷或有困難時會來找你; 不然, 他們會隱藏自己的問題和感受.
2) 不要讓孩子覺得被拒絕. 被拒絕= 不被愛. 即使在幼年時或在小事上也不能, 他們會記得的. 有被愛的感覺, 孩子會全心愛你; 無被愛的感覺, 孩子會尊重/照顧你, 但不會與你有很親密的關係. 這是有區別的.
3) 專注孩子的感受, 不是你的感受. 他們是孩子, 而你是媽媽. 他們年少, 你年老有智慧. 你的位置是'給'不是'得'. 讓孩子'得', 他們從你身上就會學習/知道如何'給'.
4) 不要要求孩子做你喜歡的事, 讓他們做自己喜歡的事. 讓他們隨心行自己(神允許/計劃)成長的方式. 搜尋孩子的才華, 悄悄地鼓勵他們但不要硬銷/強迫他們.
5) 孩子是Rebels, 他們也是Copycats. 你怎樣做, 他們也怎樣做. 如果你想他們跟你不同, 你首先要改變自己的行為. 不要你自己去東, 但告訴他們去西. 你不做, 他們也不會做. 身教比言教重要!
6) ...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
自從我懷孕以來, 情緒都很容易波動.
家中多左+2, 去街, 吃飯, 無論做什麼, 都要考慮他們, 加上一些生活習慣不同. 或多或少都有點壓力. 當然我們有壓力, 他們也有壓力. 他們來的6個月中,正正有4個月是我懷孕初期, 情緒特別敏感. 媽媽要我照顧他們, 包容他們, 做這樣, 做那樣, 好煩! 不是因為我不愛他們, 只是我懷孕但還要做這麼多. 那有誰愛我, 照顧我? 對他們, 有時我會生氣; 對媽媽, 我會痛會哭, 好像一切都是我的錯. 我不應該生氣. 我不應該埋怨. 我不應該要求蝦子餅的注意(=關懷). 若我說我不舒服,那我是想要吸引別人的注意?! Oh, 懷孕都不能說痛和不適嗎?懷孕是需要人愛和關懷的, 不是去給予他人愛和關懷. 這簡單的道理, 需要我說明嗎?所有不被愛的童年回憶像海浪回到我的身邊.
這個長週末: 週五, 下班後驅車1.5小時接她, 帶他們吃韓國燒烤; 週六, 看世界杯還租了一些電影回家但沒有人看; 週日, 想他們在家會覺得無聊, 送他們去Mall逛街, 以便我們可以在家完成BB床, 晚上煮BBQ給他們....估不到換來的是她哭著對我說: 發脾氣! 不想煮BBQ, 就不要煮! ....是誰可憐? 當然我知道她需要照顧雙方面, 手背是肉, 手掌是肉, 但我覺得我應該得到公平的對待, 因為此時此刻我懷孕阿!
幸好我還有人(DigDigPoPo)關心我, 來探我, 給我買雪糕, 買BellyCream, 給我'add oil'. 開心, 不是她給我的禮物, 而是她給我的關懷. 菜沒有'人'給我特別做, 但我有'別人'(蝦子餅外)給我幸福的感覺.
為什麼'別人'知道如何寵我, 但...
...[後記]... 晚上,不知道哭了有多少次. 最終在禱告中平靜下來. 心事還是只有神才可以治愈. 我在很多方面上已比許多人幸福了. 有健康,有好丈夫, 有多過我生活基本需要的. 一切一切都是神的祝福. 還是把重點放在正面的事情上吧! 酸溜溜, 不公平的感覺會令我們有妒忌; 妒忌會令我們失去該有的平安和喜樂!
家中多左+2, 去街, 吃飯, 無論做什麼, 都要考慮他們, 加上一些生活習慣不同. 或多或少都有點壓力. 當然我們有壓力, 他們也有壓力. 他們來的6個月中,正正有4個月是我懷孕初期, 情緒特別敏感. 媽媽要我照顧他們, 包容他們, 做這樣, 做那樣, 好煩! 不是因為我不愛他們, 只是我懷孕但還要做這麼多. 那有誰愛我, 照顧我? 對他們, 有時我會生氣; 對媽媽, 我會痛會哭, 好像一切都是我的錯. 我不應該生氣. 我不應該埋怨. 我不應該要求蝦子餅的注意(=關懷). 若我說我不舒服,那我是想要吸引別人的注意?! Oh, 懷孕都不能說痛和不適嗎?懷孕是需要人愛和關懷的, 不是去給予他人愛和關懷. 這簡單的道理, 需要我說明嗎?所有不被愛的童年回憶像海浪回到我的身邊.
這個長週末: 週五, 下班後驅車1.5小時接她, 帶他們吃韓國燒烤; 週六, 看世界杯還租了一些電影回家但沒有人看; 週日, 想他們在家會覺得無聊, 送他們去Mall逛街, 以便我們可以在家完成BB床, 晚上煮BBQ給他們....估不到換來的是她哭著對我說: 發脾氣! 不想煮BBQ, 就不要煮! ....是誰可憐? 當然我知道她需要照顧雙方面, 手背是肉, 手掌是肉, 但我覺得我應該得到公平的對待, 因為此時此刻我懷孕阿!
幸好我還有人(DigDigPoPo)關心我, 來探我, 給我買雪糕, 買BellyCream, 給我'add oil'. 開心, 不是她給我的禮物, 而是她給我的關懷. 菜沒有'人'給我特別做, 但我有'別人'(蝦子餅外)給我幸福的感覺.
為什麼'別人'知道如何寵我, 但...
...[後記]... 晚上,不知道哭了有多少次. 最終在禱告中平靜下來. 心事還是只有神才可以治愈. 我在很多方面上已比許多人幸福了. 有健康,有好丈夫, 有多過我生活基本需要的. 一切一切都是神的祝福. 還是把重點放在正面的事情上吧! 酸溜溜, 不公平的感覺會令我們有妒忌; 妒忌會令我們失去該有的平安和喜樂!
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