Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Baby Toiletries - Weleda

There are many debates on what baby toiletries to use on those silky baby skin. Most parents prefer the big household brand Johnson's & Johnson's, some organic parents go for California Baby, some parents pick Mustela.

Initially, my preference is SebaMed 5.5 because I have sensitive skin and have been using it since I was a kid. However, not all SebaMed products works for me. I like their shower gel, face cream and lotion, but not the shampoo and the entire acne line. Couple years ago, I started to use Weleda Wild Rose face cream and I totally felt in love with it. Besides the face cream, the skin food hand cream and shower gel are wonderful as well. Their products smell good and keep my skin baby soft. Thus, their product made in Germany. Oh, Germany has very high standards on organic and natural products. Here I am, Weleda for my baby girl.

With the current sales at a local Health Store(~$2-3off) and the Weleda's online coupon($2off, good til Dec), I got a really good deal. I bought 10 Hair and Body Wash and 3 Cream Bath...really stocking up my baby toiletries. :)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Travel Light = Simple Life

This week sermon is 'Travel Light, Think Right, Talk Straight" on Mark 6:7-13.

Um...Travel light, am I? Properly not. I always try to pack light, but usually find at least three or four pieces of fresh clothes at the end of my trips. I guess if I have this issue during travel, I have the same problem at home and in my life.

You know I am having a baby girl and it's fun to shop for those lovely girl clothes. You properly know that I did say that I have bought way more than enough clothes for her. I feel guilty. I know it's my first child and most mommies committed the same mistake. My issue is not just about spoiling her, I may set myself up for "owning" her instead of "looking after" her. The more love I pour for her, the more concerns I have on her. The more concerns I have, the more guidance I will give her. She will become a mini me or "I wanna be" instead of being herself. Will I travel light if I have so many concerns? I will say no to that.

At a personal level, I think I need to learn how to say "enough" to myself and stop buying and owning stuff. For being a mom, I need to keep reminding myself that she is an individual and I am the designated care provider for her for a period of time...and with that, I should let God to mold her and shape her to be the person HE wants her to be.

We could fix our eyes on God only when we travel light in this world.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

西式|餐: 小虎的牛排

[2010/9/9] 小虎喜歡食牛排, 所以她讓我時時想大片大片的牛排!
煮牛排唯一的技巧是準備非常高熱的鍋才下牛排. 煎到brown有烤痕, 看到牛排邊有一半熟, 先在牛排生個面加鹽和胡椒, 翻過牛排來煎. 煎到有烤痕, 即七-八成熟.

中式|餐: 芥蘭炒臘腸(飯人學習菜)

[2010/9/11] 今日飯人學習三味菜- 蘭炒臘腸, 番茄蛋, 煎洋蔥豬扒. 一個字"PASS"! 因前兩味菜已經發布了, 今次只貼蘭炒臘腸啦.

材料: 芥蘭、臘腸、薑
調味料: 鹽、糖

1.芥蘭洗淨, 斜切成小片.
2.臘腸洗淨, 斜切成小片.
3.油起鑊, 爆薑片, 下臘腸炒香, 放芥蘭兜勻.
4.灒酒, 加少許糖, 少少水炒勻, 焗一焗即成

Tips: 芥蘭有苦味, 下糖可去除


中式|湯: 爵士湯=蜜瓜海螺煲老雞 Honeydew Chicken Soup

[2010/9/11] 今天煲的孕婦滋補營養靚湯是被稱為爵士湯的蜜瓜海螺煲老雞. 煲出來的湯奶白色, 又濃又白又甜. 老雞是媽媽買的, 乾螺頭是爸爸在香港時給我的, 我只不過是在Costco買蜜瓜.

材料: 老雞1只、乾螺頭2只、蜜瓜1/2只、薑5片、蔥
調味料: 鹽

1. 雞洗淨, 去內臟, 尾部, 雞皮,用2片薑飛水.
2. 乾螺頭洗淨, 用2片薑及蔥飛水
3. 蜜瓜去皮去子, 切大塊
4. 水煲沸後, 下雞, 螺頭, 蜜瓜, 1片薑. 水再次煲沸後改文火煲2小時, 加適量鹽調味便可.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Good Buy: Britax Roundabout 50 Car Seat for $100 (Labor Day Week)

Call Target 1-800-591-3869 and score the deal for Britax Roundabout50 in Cowmooflage for $100.

It's a little bit tricky coz their online website doesn't reflect this amazing discounted price and their ordering process is not that flexible.
1) Order the item online for $149.99
2) Call them with that order number and request for a refund of $49.99. They will credit back to your account after the item shipped out.

Cowmooflage pattern is only available for online order; whereas the ugly pink flowery Kathryn pattern is good for store only and is in limited quantity with no rain check offer.

Am I getting one more Britax Roundabou50? No, I bought one back then in March but returned it coz I don't like the strips pattern. Later, we found a deal at target on Evenflo symphony65 for roughly $130. It holds up to 65lb for forward facing and up to 100lb as booster seat. We installed it in my hubby's car.

Did I get it? Oh, yes! With our 10% Target Reward discount, it goes down to $95. It will not be possible to find such a great deal next year when I upgrade the infant car seat, a sweet deal that I could not miss. 

懷孕第三期 - Rock & Roll (Third Trimester-III)

三期啦! 時間過好快, 還有兩個月, 小虎就出來啦!

Week 30
  • 水腫!水腫!好水腫!
  • 29週時開始腳腫, 腳大了一個size. 夜晚特別腫. 首先從腳開始腫, 然後到腿腫.
  • 30週手指頭開始腫, 尤其早上起床時最嚴重, 手指彎起揸埋來會覺得很痛, 手指屈唔到, 得個大"C"字. 腳腫還好, 手指腫就好痛好可憐! :(
  • 肚子越來越大, 行路好容易疲倦, 人都變懶, 但小虎婆婆說要多走路先容易生.
  • 去腫, 除多行路外, 可以浸鹽浴, 按摩, 喝紅豆水(煲滾熱水,泡浸紅豆1小時), 喝冬瓜薏仁湯, 還有蝦子餅的按摩啦!
Week 32
  • 近來有點擔心, 因為我朋友Cindy幾個星期前在她的34週生左. 要聽小虎公公話不要吃西瓜啦!
  • 幾乎忘了記錄, 大仔亞細從20週開始已比平時喜歡坐我膝蓋. 近來特別喜歡lun我個肚, 他喜歡躺在我肚子上Purrrrr, 小虎就會踢踢, 好似他們可以互相溝通, 好可愛! 希望他們能成為好朋友.

Week 35
  • 終於完成了為期一個月的Lamaze Class自然分娩助產課.說實話,好的是得知分娩過程,點處置陣痛,但點學都...依舊困惑!我認為最好是let it be!
  • 醫生說小虎現在大約5磅. 哇!難怪我看起來像火雞啦!
  • 我越來越腫的臉,越來越脹的手腳,和看起來像火雞的肚.OMG!我看起來極像小虎公公(我爸爸),HA!HA!
Week 38 (記錄時, 亞細坐我膝蓋)
  • 時間過得飛快, wk38啦!
  • 手腫, 腳腫, 臉腫, 超腫腫腫腫腫! 我婆婆話三腫三退就生得.
  • 沒有心情, 沒有食慾, 只有憂慮- 她什麼時候出來? 照超聲波後, 醫生話小虎現在有5磅10oz, 她的頭太細(1 percentile). 怎麼辦! 希望這測量再次有誤啦!
  • 現在幾乎每天早上我都有奇怪的感覺, 不知道我的身體是否準備分娩. Oh, 前兩天, 我發夢生得, 小虎好快就生出來, 不太痛. 希望現實是一樣啦!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Free 2011 Calendar

Hurry now to get a FREE 2011 calendar from Women's Health Dot Gov . You could get a English version, Spanish version or both versions. US only!