今日, 真係喜出望外!小虎平日飲完睡前奶奶返自己房睡前都會同我講"Bye-Bye!", 但今日佢竟然改口同我講"媽媽, Bye-Bye!", 終於到我啦!
大約响佢13個月時就會同出門上班的爸B講"爸爸, Bye-Bye!", 當時我哋都好開心佢會自己做句.我哋只教佢單字: "爸爸", "媽媽", "Bye-Bye", 無教佢加起來一整句講 "爸爸, Bye-Bye!".
小虎真係好叻女, 但係佢一直都唔會聽話叫"媽媽", 除非自願, 所以更加唔會講"媽媽, Bye-Bye!"啦!
還有一星期到14個月, 比爸爸遲了差不多一個月, 但都非常心甜. 真係開心到要即刻寫Blog記下這一刻(15分鐘前發生咋!).
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
小虎| 13個月大趣事錄
- 識連接兩個字:ByeBye爸爸, 及一連串叫阿婆(Ar Pooh),舅舅(扣扣), 公公(CuCu), 媽媽, 爸爸, ByeBye, 但依然唔識卷"利", 只識LaLe- LaLe-LaLe-Lu (細舅最lum的!)
- 識Hi5
- 識自已用匙羹食嘢
- 識自已爬上樓梯及正面行落樓梯
- 第一次見聖誔老人就哭起來, 要媽媽坐在她和老伯伯中間才勉強影咗張唔多靚嘅相.可憐的夜貓子爸爸要晨早8点就去Northpark Mall 排隊呢.
- 第一次看教會Christmas Concert(完塲前15分鐘)時, 超愛classical 的小虎高興得站起來跟着指揮, 大叫大笑超High. 還有, 爸爸話响Nursery接小虎時, 小虎見到他就大叫"爸爸", 還有個Nuresery婆婆話"你個女好有音樂細包, 佢會跟拍子跳"
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Thursday, December 1, 2011
退完(亞婆同姑婆都話太凍) 又再報 (亞爸話少人學咪重好, 80度水温唔會太凍) 嘅冬季waterbabies遊泳課終於開始啦.
珍貴嘅第一次游水堂係由爸爸陪小虎上. 因為我小時候最愛和爸爸(昨晚有夢見呢!)遊泳, 所以我希望小虎都有爸爸陪. 小虎大個女咗就唔方便爸爸陪. 虎爸就enjoy吓同小虎沖涼同遊水嘅日子啦.
今日穿黃色泳衣的小虎超鐘意游水, 不斷踢, 不斷踢, 但下課後坐車回家途中已累到睡著了.
珍貴嘅第一次游水堂係由爸爸陪小虎上. 因為我小時候最愛和爸爸(昨晚有夢見呢!)遊泳, 所以我希望小虎都有爸爸陪. 小虎大個女咗就唔方便爸爸陪. 虎爸就enjoy吓同小虎沖涼同遊水嘅日子啦.
今日穿黃色泳衣的小虎超鐘意游水, 不斷踢, 不斷踢, 但下課後坐車回家途中已累到睡著了.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
小虎| 12個月大趣事錄
小虎生日啦! 最o力拍手的Happy Birthday歌終於用得著啦!
Happy Birthday my baby girl!
- 早上, 來一塊媽媽烤的香蕉生日蛋糕, 和同婆婆視象會議.
- 中午, 到法國餐廳吃午餐. Haha! 是給媽媽痛苦紀念日的禮物(爸爸還買了花), 但小虎都咬了幾口cream cheese蛋糕.
- 下午, 騎了她人生的第一次旋轉木馬, 玩o左三次. 之後, 去陶土店,爸爸為小虎畫碟和印手.
- 晚上, 吃小虎最喜愛的煎魚和紅雞蛋.
Happy Birthday my baby girl!
Friday, August 5, 2011
小虎第一次拍户外照, 真係好靚女呀! Um...BB真係大得好快. 虎爸爸已經開始擔心小虎會好快嫁出去. 公公以前都係一樣由虎媽媽細細個時, 已擔心虎媽媽有日會離開佢嫁出去. 做咗父母才真正體會到父母嘅心情. 爸爸, 你個孫妹妹好靚女呀, 但係都係你個女靚D係咪!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
小虎| 7個月大趣事錄
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Cleaning up My Walk-in Kitchen Pantry
因此, 我第一個習題是清理我的廚櫥.
其實我的廚櫥本來已經相當整潔, 但廚架已開始滑落左少少.
蝦子餅幫我換左一個新的支架, 油左D廚架, 底下三個大箱子都是蝦子餅造的, 但輥是小虎用她的美色在Ikea騙回來的. 十四個輥完全免費.
終於清理了90%! I am almost there. Feeling Good!
因此, 我第一個習題是清理我的廚櫥.
其實我的廚櫥本來已經相當整潔, 但廚架已開始滑落左少少.
蝦子餅幫我換左一個新的支架, 油左D廚架, 底下三個大箱子都是蝦子餅造的, 但輥是小虎用她的美色在Ikea騙回來的. 十四個輥完全免費.
終於清理了90%! I am almost there. Feeling Good!
Home-made baby food 自製嬰兒餐
- 西蘭花 : )
- 紅蘿蔔 : )
- 黃南瓜Squash : )
- 紫蕃薯 : )
- salad baby菠菜 : )
- salad spring mix : )
- 青豆 : (
- 紅菜頭 Beetroot : )
- 蕃薯 : )
- 馬鈴薯 : (
- 以上的單一食物 + 飯/燕麥/薯類(蕃薯, 紫蕃薯,馬鈴薯)
- 最好在她不喜歡蔬菜中加甜甜的蕃薯. 豆少薯多. 慢慢地, 她就會喜歡. 然後, 你可以逐步加更多的青豆.
- 菠菜+青豆+紅薯
- 紅菜頭+菠菜
- spring mix+squash+紅薯+紅蘿蔔
- ...等等
- 蘋果
- 香蕉
- 牛油果
- 藍莓
- 蔬菜湯-紅蘿蔔, 紅菜頭, 洋蔥
- 魚湯
- 雞湯
上圖是小虎其中一個的第二階段嬰兒餐. 多數我會加一湯匙飯和一些熱水, 煮十分鐘, 然後放攪拌機打.
小虎五個月大, 我就開始每日餵她一次第一階段嬰兒餐. 到七個月大, 我就餵她一日兩次第二階段食物(比第一階段質地粗厚些). 因為我仍在喂小虎母乳, 所以她早上必須幫我清清奶奶. 嬰兒餐都是夜晚餵, 之後就是下午和夜晚餵的. 她食完嬰兒餐後, 仍需要飲奶的.
近日檢查時, 她的醫生說可以試下每日餵她三次,並給她食嬰兒餐才餵她.
哇! 一日三次,大個女啦(7m)!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
5x7 Folded Card
Birthday Pictures Lime Birthday 5x7 folded card
Shop birthday cards and invitations at Shutterfly.com.
View the entire collection of cards.
Friday, May 13, 2011
Last few days, the weather was not very pleasant and I stayed at home for three day straight. I realized that I was quite depressed. All that (Frankly 70% Shopping, 30%Internet Browsing) I have been doing is to try to keep my mind occupied. For the time that I took Elim out for pictures and visits to the garden, are just out of guilt. When the weather forbidden these activities and I am all home alone, I can't stop myself from missing my dad. I felt miserable on my very first Mother's Day and Elim's 6m celebration. When I became a parent, I lost my parent. When Elim turns 6m old, my father has passed away for three months. All these milestones bring not happiness but sadness to me. I still remember the moment when I got the birthday cake (2wk after his departure). The time when I need to smile but I just couldn't. I know that I should play with Elim more often, but I just couldn't. Now, she won't smile to me. No wonder people said children are like mirrors. Oh, I feel guilty for this.
On a rainy night, where both the sky and my heart are blues, hubby told me that Elim is not a reminder of sadness but a little angel that God sent to accompany me, to cheer me up and to continue the legacy of all the wonderful memories that my father and I build together.
Thanks God for placing these two marvelous men in my life.
On a rainy night, where both the sky and my heart are blues, hubby told me that Elim is not a reminder of sadness but a little angel that God sent to accompany me, to cheer me up and to continue the legacy of all the wonderful memories that my father and I build together.
Thanks God for placing these two marvelous men in my life.
Monday, April 18, 2011
小虎| 5個月大趣事錄
My stuffy nose tells me that Texas BlueBonnet is in full bloom and it's the time to take Elim out for pictures.
Do you like my bunny hat? My silly mama crocheted this bunny hat til 4:30am.
OK. I am in good mood now. Thanks daddy for the umbrella.
She looks like a farmer checking out her produce
Do you like my bunny hat? My silly mama crocheted this bunny hat til 4:30am.
Hey, it's too bright for me. Where's my umbrella?
She looks like a farmer checking out her produce
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