婆婆返咗香港, 小虎有冇俾媽媽E蝦?
24小時的日夜相對, 讓我更加清楚小虎真的"成長ing".
<事例一: 發生在午餐時>
小虎: fish! (發音好準!)
媽媽E: 媽媽食緊蝦, 唔係fish呀! 係蝦! 蝦呀! shrimp!
小虎: fish! fish! fish!
媽媽E: Shrimp! Shrimp! Shrimp!
小虎(好認真地, 高音說): FISH!
媽媽E只好看看四週有冇魚的物品. 啊!原來隻碗有魚的圖案.
後來想想, 佢都幾眼利. 一來, 我隻手拿着碗, 都遮咗好大部份嘅魚形圖案. 二來, 邊個BB會留意這些東西.
<事例二: 發生在坐車時,媽媽E同小虎睇Eric Carle嘅數字發聲書(書邊有數字掣和動物掣,按掣會發出數字讀音/動物名及動物聲) >
媽媽E(不專心,只看了一眼書上的圖案): 按 "Bird" 啦.
小虎看一看媽媽E, 沒有按 "Bird", 但按下"Seal".
媽媽E: "Bird"呀小虎. (再認真看一看) Oh!Sorry小虎, 係...(還在想係Otters定係Seal呀?)
小虎(再按一次"Seal"): SEAL!
嘩!真係俾佢嚇一跳.反應超快, 又堅定冇俾大人影响, 重識讀seal.
小虎, 妳好叻呀!
<事例三: Button>
小虎今日好鐘意講 "button", 然後拉起自己件衫指吓個肚池=belly button. 最大件事係佢會同Barbie或者同我講 "button", 然後......希望佢唔會响主日學同其他小朋友玩 button啦!
Btw, 我哋兩個近日都有教過佢 belly button. 佢學嘢都學得好快呀!
<事例四: 小虎會跟到我唱歌>
ABC歌: A,B,C 之前都唱得到, 現在連後面嘅Now I know my ABCs, Next time would you sing with me 都唱到八成.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star歌: 都唱到八成.
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Itsy Bitsy Spider歌: 只會講 spi spi spider, 動作做到七成.
The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout
Down came the rain, and washed the spider out
Out came the sun, and dried up all the rain
And the itsy bitsy spider went up the spout again
Row Row Row Your Boat歌: 只會唱Row Row Row.
The More We Get Together歌: 只唱到三成.
The more we get together,
Together, together,
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be.
Cause your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends,
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be.
小虎, 超鐘意唱歌. 佢次次都笑到四萬出晒嚟.
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