Monday, April 18, 2011

小虎| 5個月大趣事錄

My stuffy nose tells me that Texas BlueBonnet is in full bloom and it's the time to take Elim out for pictures.

                                           Do you like my bunny hat? My silly mama crocheted this bunny hat til 4:30am.

Hey, it's too bright for me. Where's my umbrella? 
                                                          OK. I am in good mood now. Thanks daddy for the umbrella.

                                                                    She looks like a farmer checking out her produce

小虎| 4個月大趣事錄

Elim is a big girl now. She crys alot, laughs alot, eats alot, and ___ alot. :)

See how funny Elim reacted to her first taste of baby food.

This is Elim's first visit to the Dallas Arboretum. Since it is late spring, most tulip are not in bloom anymore.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


爸爸, 你在天家的日子好嗎?
今天是清明節, 買了一些花給你.
沒有黃玫瑰但看起來仍然美麗 是嗎?

每一步, 每一個花店,都看到你的名字在花牌上.
好像一次又一次一的告訴我, 你已離去,心裡很難過.

他們問, 為什麼想要更大的禮堂,為什麼要登報紙.
那為什麼可以花錢慶祝結婚而不可以花錢紀念一個離去的人, 人真奇怪.
雖然你不是律師或名人, 但看到滿堂花籃, 他們會知道你是可敬的!

迷失在 ... 太多規則, 太少愛的人間
天家的日子, 一定是好的.
爸爸, 永遠愛你!